• Question: Did you ever discver a tipe of cancer?

    Asked by tylerk to Amar, Ana, Andrea, Leah, Matt on 17 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Anastasia Wass

      Anastasia Wass answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      No I haven’t, I focus on how all types of cancer move rather than the different types of cancer you can get!

    • Photo: Matthew Lam

      Matthew Lam answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      I’ve never discovered a type of cancer. That would be quite a big discovery and you’d have probably seen me on the news!

      We expect to discover many more types of breast cancer over the next few years. We already know of 20 but some people think there could be over 80!

    • Photo: Amar Joshi

      Amar Joshi answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      No I haven’t. I work on trying to find a cure for myeloma, a blood cancer.

      At the moment there are more than 200 different types of cancers. But as we are learning more and more we are beginning to identify more differences within cancers are the genetic level. By doing this, Doctors can identify the best treatment.

      It is difficult to draw a line between variation in a cancer and a new type of cancer, but I am sure many more types will be identified in the future. However I don’t think they will be entirely new – perhaps just new names for particular types of cancer.

    • Photo: Andrea Hanvey

      Andrea Hanvey answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      No, ive never discovered a cancer.my work involves diagnosing patients with cancer so ive seen afew rare tumours in specimens and down the microscope.

    • Photo: Leah Fitzsimmons

      Leah Fitzsimmons answered on 17 Mar 2014:

      Like the others, I have never discovered a type of cancer – I work on a type of white blood cell cancer that was first discovered in 1958.
