• Question: Is it true that electricity pylons can cause cancer?

    Asked by sophieb to Amar, Andrea, Leah, Matt on 19 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Matthew Lam

      Matthew Lam answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      I don’t think so! I’ve never seen any proof of it…

    • Photo: Andrea Hanvey

      Andrea Hanvey answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      no dont think there is any evidence to prove this

    • Photo: Leah Fitzsimmons

      Leah Fitzsimmons answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      Lots of people used to be suspicious that living near electricity pylons might be bad for your health – up close they can seem a bit threatening and make a quite loud humming sound, so it is understandable that people felt this way. However, there have now been several studies to investigate this and they have found that a person living near to a pylon is at no greater risk of getting cancer than people who don’t live near pylons. There have also been other studies about electricity and cancer and so far no-one has found any solid evidence that electrical radiation (including from mobile phones) can cause cancer.
