• Question: what country has the most people with cancer?????

    Asked by cupcake94 to Amar, Ana, Andrea, Leah, Matt on 13 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Anastasia Wass

      Anastasia Wass answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      I think America and Australia have the highest rates of cancer for their populations.
      This could be for several reasons, those countries might be really good at detecting cancer or they keep better records and make those records more readily available than other countries.

    • Photo: Amar Joshi

      Amar Joshi answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      I think China. Two reasons, China has the world largest population – something like 1.4 billion people and the other is that they have quite high levels of pollution in cities. I think that the medical records for China might not be as good as for other countries and they might not be able to treat cancer as it costs lots of money – so they probably have the highest cancer death rate too.

    • Photo: Andrea Hanvey

      Andrea Hanvey answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      Its Denmark ,i think i wrote this in another answer somewhere….they are pretty good with detection and screening!

    • Photo: Leah Fitzsimmons

      Leah Fitzsimmons answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      This question is a little more difficult to answer than you might think! Andrea is right that, according to the data we have, Denmark records the most people being diagnosed with cancer, but some countries hardly have any records about how many people get diagnosed at all – they have even less data about how many people get treated and survive. Amar mentioned China – which is a huge country with lots of people and certainly lots of reasons why there might be a lots of people with cancer, including pollution, but we don’t have good enough reports from the doctors in China to know how many people for sure. Overall, if you look at the numbers, countries in North Europe record the most cancer by far, but they also keep the best records by far!
