• Question: do you know any one who is competing aganst you in science

    Asked by cristiano7 to Amar, Ana, Andrea, Leah, Matt on 7 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Amar Joshi

      Amar Joshi answered on 7 Mar 2014:

      Yes I do. I work on finding a drug multiple myeloma – a bone cancer. I know of at least one other research lab at another university in America which is working on drug for the same cancer.

      I’m pretty sure that commercial pharmaceutical companies are also working on a drug but they usually don’t want anyone to know what they are working on until they are close to having a drug ready to go.

    • Photo: Anastasia Wass

      Anastasia Wass answered on 7 Mar 2014:

      I know lots of people who are working on the same thing as me, so far I’ve been lucky enough that I’m not competing against any of them, instead I’m working with hem to try and develop my research further 🙂

    • Photo: Andrea Hanvey

      Andrea Hanvey answered on 7 Mar 2014:

      Im not a research scientist, so I dont need to worry about competing against other scientists, I love my work because im helping patients every day.

    • Photo: Leah Fitzsimmons

      Leah Fitzsimmons answered on 9 Mar 2014:

      It might sound a little bit strange, but competition is actually really important in scientific research. Whatever question you are trying to answer there is always someone else working on the same thing. Sometimes this can be frustrating (because you always feel like your own ideas are the best), but scientific theories are always testable, so when someone says they know the answer you can try to design and experiment to test it and they can do the same for your ideas. Overall, this is good because it makes sure that every theory is carefully tested to make sure it is right before it is accepted.

    • Photo: Matthew Lam

      Matthew Lam answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      I work for a charity that funds breast cancer research so there are other cancer charities out there trying to raise money to fund their research too. The great thing about breast cancer research is that it is one of the best fields of research that gets scientists from all over the world working together on key problems. A lot of the time when new breast cancer treatments are tested or new theories are put to the test we notice that a lot of the work is done by different groups of scientists from across the world. This means that discoveries are made at a much faster pace and results are as accurate as possible – ultimately ensuring that breast cancer patients feel the benefit of the research.
